RRM: Überblick | 001+ | 050+ | 100+ | 150+ | 200+ | 250+ | 300+ | 350+ | 400+ | 450+ | 500+| 550+ |

RRM138-Sendung 060

RRM-Ausgabe RRM138 Die Rock 'n' Roll-Stilarten (2)

Erstausstrahlung NDR 216.01.198123:05 Uhr  
Ohrfunk17.04.201620:00 Uhr18.04.201612:07 Uhr
www.Memory-Lane-Radio.de21.06.201621:00 Uhr25.06.201611:00 Uhr

* Uhrzeiten können leicht abweichen

Anzahl Songs: 20

Y NR Artist Song Record-Label Year USA RB CW GB BRD
101 Joe Lombardie & The Cats Let's All Rock And Roll New England 1015 1958
* 102 Bill Haley & His Comets Birth Of The Boogie 9-29418 1955 26
* 103 Smiley Lewis Real Gone Lover 5349 1954
* 104 Carl Perkins Honky Tonk Gal LP-6467.028 1954
* 105 Pat Cupp & His Flying Saucers Do Me No Wrong 461 1956
* 106 The Jesters Love No One But You 218 1957
* 107 The Harptones Gimme Some 100 1956
* 108 Chuck Berry Beautiful Delilah 1697 1958 81
* 109 Wynonie 'Mr. Blues' Harris Lovin' Machine 4485 1951 5
* 110 Little Willie Littlefield Hit The Road 775 1950
* 111 Cleveland Crochet & The Hill Billy Ramblers Sugar Bee 1106 1960 80
* 112 Jivin' Gene You Make A Fool Of Me 71802 1961
113 Lazy Lester I'm A Lover, Not A Fighter Excello 2143 1959
114 The Admirations The Bells Of Rosa Rita Mercury 71521 1959
* 115 Jo Ann Campbell You're Driving Me Mad 5021 1958
* 116 The Strangers Rockin' Rebel 1701 1959
* 117 Michael Cox Too Hot To Handle 45-F.11182 1959
118 The Four Tielman Brothers Record Hop Imperial Hi 1026 1960
119 Paul Würges und seine Hit-Paraders und das Jochen Brauer Quartett Mary, Mary Lou Ariola 35287 A 1959
120 Crazy Cavan & The Rhythm Rockers Wildest Cat In Town Rockhouse LP-7510 1975

20 Einträge insgesamt