RRM: Überblick | 001+ | 050+ | 100+ | 150+ | 200+ | 250+ | 300+ | 350+ | 400+ | 450+ | 500+| 550+ |

RRM508-Sendung 226

RRM-Ausgabe RRM508 Andere Fire-Label, Kansas City

Erstausstrahlung NDR 402.06.200723:05 Uhr  
Ohrfunk16.06.201920:00 Uhr17.06.201912:07 Uhr
www.Memory-Lane-Radio.de27.08.201921:00 Uhr31.08.201911:00 Uhr

* Uhrzeiten können leicht abweichen

Anzahl Songs: 18

Y NR Artist Song Record-Label Year USA RB CW GB BRD
101 Bill Woods Orch. Go Crazy Man Fire 100 1956
102 Bill Woods Orch. Bop Fire 100 1956
103 Tommy Duncan with Bill Woods Orch. Daddy Loves Mommyo Fire 101 1956
104 Johnny Taylor with The Rhythm Blue Boys Mixed Up Rhythm And Blues Fire 106 1956
105 Darwin Nelson & The Blaze-Makers Good Gosh Gertie Fire 5001 1959
106 Darwin Nelson & The Blaze-Makers Mary Sue Fire 5001 1959
107 Darwin Nelson & The Blaze-Makers Lazy Lu Tek 1014 1959
108 Rocky Olson Kansas City Chess 1723 1959
109 Roy Berger Kansas City Ariola 35807 A 1959
110 Dale Hawkins Number Nine Train Norton 45-055 1959
111 Rocky Curtiss & The Harmony Flames Kansas City Harmony LP HL-7200 1959
112 Al Sweatt with Johnnie Cale & The Valentines Let's Paint The Town Red Keen OP-289 1958
113 Al Sweatt with Johnnie Cale & The Valentines I Hate Myself Keen OP-289 1958
* 114 Joey Dee & The Starliters Fannie Mae LP R-25166 1962
115 Jimmy Powell Sugar Baby, Part I Decca 45-F.11447 1962
116 Tony Sheridan & The Beat Brothers Ya Ya, Parts 1 & 2 Polydor EP EPH-21485 1962
* 117 Dion Kansas City LP LLP-2009 1962
118 The Night Owls Kansas City Valmor LP-79 1962

18 Einträge insgesamt