RRM: Überblick | 001+ | 050+ | 100+ | 150+ | 200+ | 250+ | 300+ | 350+ | 400+ | 450+ | 500+| 550+ |

RRM560-Sendung 252

RRM-Ausgabe RRM560 Jerry Leiber † & Mike Stoller (2)

Erstausstrahlung NDR 401.10.201123:05 Uhr  
Ohrfunk15.12.201920:00 Uhr16.12.201912:07 Uhr
www.Memory-Lane-Radio.de25.02.202021:00 Uhr29.02.202011:00 Uhr

* Uhrzeiten können leicht abweichen

Anzahl Songs: 17

Y NR Artist Song Record-Label Year USA RB CW GB BRD
101 Bobby Nunn with The Robins That's What The Good Book Says Modern 807 1951
* 102 Moose Jackson & His Bearcats Nosey Joe 4524 1952
* 103 Mabel Scott Wailin' Daddy 84001 1952
104 Johnny Otis & His Orchestra The Candle's Burning Low Mercury 8295 1952
* 105 Little Esther Mainliner 12100 1952
* 106 Willie Mae 'Big Mama' Thornton with Kansas City Bill & Orchestra Hound Dog 1612 1952 1
107 Little Willie Littlefield K.C. Loving Federal 12110 1952
108 The Du Droppers Bam Balam RCA LP PL-86279 1953
109 The Robins Riot In Cell Block # 9 Spark 103 1954
* 110 'Young' Jessie I Smell A Rat 921 1954
* 111 The Robins Framed 107 1954
112 The Robins Smokey Joe's Café Spark 122 1955
* 113 The Drifters Ruby Baby 1089 1955 10
114 Ruth Brown & Her Rhythmakers I Want To Do More Atlantic 1082 1955
115 Joe Turner & His Blues Kings The Chicken And The Hawk (Up, Up And Away) Atlantic 1080 1955
116 Andy Lee Alabama Shake Grunwald CD 2009 2010
117 Andy Lee What's I Say Grunwald CD 2009 2010

17 Einträge insgesamt